Duty Calls

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Duty Calls
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 3:44:10 GMT
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got your claws on my mind, on my heart.
Adelia walked through her garden with her butler in tow. "Madam, it's almost the appointed time." He spoke softly as she checked on her tulips. "Thank you Maxwell. I'll be in the gazebo shortly." Max turned to leave but Adelia's hand raised to stop him. "One more thing, please prepare that one tea for me that I like. The one that changes color." Adelia said as she stood up and brushed off her dress. "Ah right, the Butterfly Tea. Yes, ma'am. Anything else I can do for you?" he asked as turned to look at him. With a soft smile she shook her head. "That'll be all. Thank you Max." Max nodded and offered her a kind smile as well. "My pleasure, Madam."

Grabbing a handful of her dress as she turned to climb up the stairs to her left, Adelia's facial features returned to the resting icy ones she usually dons. Today she would be meeting with someone important. The grip on her dress tightened as she made her way to the gazebo where they would be having tea.

She might call Hoenn home now, but it has never once felt like home. Especially after losing her brother. Nothing has ever really felt right after his death. Adelia sighed. Even thinking about it felt wrong. Hence why she was having this meeting with this private investigator. It wasn't that she didn't trust the league....

....Then again....if she did she wouldn't be still looking into this.

But could you blame her? One of the most important people in her life was gone and she was supposed to accept that? Her family didn't even get the opportunity to bury a body. Where was their closure? No. The Winterbloom's were strong, they were fighters. How could someone as talented, brilliant, and gifted as her brother fall to something like that?

She couldn't give up on this. She wouldn't rest until she was sure. Then she could finally move on and properly grieve. She sat at the table with a sigh as she looked around her. She'd settled at a mansion in Verdanturf. It was peaceful and quiet. It felt like she could actually think out here compared to the city.

Plus it helped her sleep at night. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself she was fine there were still scars she bore from war that weren't just physical. The wind blew her ashen locks in her face before she tucked a piece behind her ear. The sooner they could get this meeting started the better. She inhaled sharply through her nose before exhaling from her mouth. A good trick to reduce nervousness and anxiety.
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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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Aidan Hereford
Duty Calls
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 7:20:47 GMT
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[attr="class","edgethorn-lyric"] i don't think about you anymore


Aidan himself wasn't sure how to feel about what was about to transpire today. He had an interview with a potential client which was a somewhat rare occurrence these past years, months, days. He had worked through the shady and illegal alleys of his career path up into this point and he didn't know anyone outside the syndicate or in their sphere who would even hire him so far away from home. He was more than suspicious about all this. At this point he was far more curious about the one hiring him than what the job really was. [break][break]

His suspicions went out the roof once he arrived at his destination, a mansion in Verdanturf. It was like the cab had dropped him at the pearly gates of pokemon heaven, both him and the cab driver were very confused about the place itself, it didn't even feel right to be there. His cheap looking fancy clothes really stood out somewhere that all the fancy was proper real. Entering the place was way too simple, his own guess being that he was truly expected, meaning he wasn't dealing with just some small time family, it had to be someone much greater than that.[break][break]

Ever since the entrance Aidan would be directed to his next destination inside the the mansion. Everything done in silence and small gestures, just like the upper class loved to see, the least amount of interactions with workers the better for them. It felt like at any time someone would jump him and ask where his tax bracket was set at. Aidan had grown used to working with unnecessarily rich people due to the syndicate but he was much more used to the grimier and dirty side of the rich than this perfection of a place. [break][break]

Finally arriving at what looked like his final destination, at least in the way there he had taken notice of staff members, staff entrances, cameras, fire exits, security, other attendants and servants that shuffled around. It wasn't the most complete list because of the straightforward way he had been brought till this point, regardless it was still information that he had gathered in case of anything going bad. [break][break]

After some stairs he had finally come to what looked and most certainly was a gazebo. There lay a table and who Aidan fully expected to be his client. The person who had made him curious enough to accept an interview after some time away from proper PI work. "Good afternoon. I was directed here to meet with you, I'm Aidan Hereford. The P.I but I assume you knew that already. He wanted to get down to questioning as fast as possible but he also didn't want to seem rude, he knew that people with such high standards could really change their minds on those who work under them in the blink of an eye, and let's just say that at this point Aidan was in no place to pick and choose who he worked for. "May I sit down so we can talk further, Miss?" It still felt too strange to be there, too clean, too perfect, too organised.[break][break]

[attr="class","edgethorn-notes-1"][attr="class","th th-chat-bubble"]


and then some notes can go here!


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October 13
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 7:36:12 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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